While a bone spur in the spine tends not to cause any symptoms by itself, it can cause a great deal of pain if it compresses a nearby nerve or nerve root. This pain can be sharp and erratic, coming at irregular intervals, or it can persist for an extended period of time. It can also be accompanied by other symptoms, such as tingling or muscle weakness along the pathway of the affected nerve.
Because untreated bone spur pain can disrupt a person’s routine, it’s important to find an effective way to reduce the discomfort. Many nonsurgical treatments can be highly effective, including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g. ibuprofen and naproxen), prescription pain medications, hot/cold therapy and stretching. While a physician can provide you with individualized guidance regarding the best options for your needs, also consider these three tips for managing your spinal bone spur pain.
Tip one: find a routine and stick with it
When it comes to effective bone spur treatment, consistency is key. Take any medications exactly as prescribed, paying attention to both the dose of the medication and the intervals at which you are instructed to take them. Complete any stretching and strengthening regimens, even on days when you don’t feel inclined to exercise. This can help you determine what works and what doesn’t on a long-term basis.
Tip two: consider complementary and alternative therapies
While traditional treatments are encouraged by most physicians, there are several complementary and alternative therapies that you may wish to consider adding to your spinal bone spur treatment plan. These include aromatherapy, therapeutic massage and acupuncture. Ask around for reputable practitioners in your area and consider booking an appointment when experiencing discomfort.
Tip three: evaluate your surgical options, but only if necessary
Many people do not require surgery for spinal bone spurs. However, when bone spur pain persists despite repeated attempts at nonsurgical treatment, surgery may become a consideration. If you’ve spent several months managing your pain and discomfort with conservative therapies but haven’t obtained the desired results, you may wish to consult a surgeon to talk about potential options.
At USA Spine Care, we perform minimally invasive bone spur surgery that involves no lengthy recovery. If you’re considering operative treatments for your neck or back pain, contact us today to find out if you’re a candidate for our outpatient procedures.