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Cervical spondylosis is a catch-all term commonly used by medical professionals to describe age-related wear and tear of the discs and soft tissues in the cervical (neck) region of the spine. Spondylosis is especially common in people over the age of 50 and is associated with a number of degenerative spine conditions. Yet, the good news when it comes to spondylosis and other degenerative spine conditions is that there are a number of treatments currently available.
The key is identifying the location and extent of the spinal degeneration with the assistance of a physician.
As we grow older, we all will naturally experience degeneration in the bones, joints, muscles and other soft tissues. This wear and tear is an entirely normal part of the aging process, and it occurs all over the body. It is entirely unavoidable and something we all must deal with when we get older. As degeneration begins in the spine, it can affect the discs that cushion and separate the vertebrae, leading to the formation of cracks and fissures in the disc walls.
Degeneration can also lead to the thinning and flattening of the discs themselves. This can cause a host of problems, including bulging discs, herniated discs and compressed nerves, which, in turn, cause pain as the nerves are irritated by these spinal abnormalities. This distinction is important because in many cases the most severe symptoms that arise as a result of spondylosis are a direct result of the compression of a spinal nerve root or even the spinal cord itself.
Another component of cervical spondylosis involves the wearing away of the cartilage that protects the facet joints. These joints, which are situated between individual vertebrae, are essential because they allow the spine to bend and flex. As cartilage coating the facet joints naturally breaks down with time, the exposed bones of these joints may rub together, causing pain, stiffness and damage. As the bones try to heal themselves, they can also develop bone spurs, which can intrude on nerves and result in painful nerve irritation.
One of the interesting things about spondylosis is that, while it is a common condition, many people don’t realize they have it. That’s because the onset of spondylosis is gradual, with symptoms that set in slowly over time. Some common symptoms of cervical spondylosis include:
Treatment for cervical spondylosis varies widely depending on the severity of the individual’s condition. For many people, however, conservative treatments like physical therapy, low-impact exercises, lifestyle changes, over-the-counter pain and anti-inflammatory medications and heat and ice therapy are sufficient to relieve symptoms and increase mobility. However, what works for one patient may not work for another, so it is always important to enlist the assistance of a medical professional when developing a comprehensive treatment plan.
Having the right expectations is also important because treatment may take several weeks or months to be successful. Additionally, if your symptoms become debilitating or stop responding to conservative pain management measures, surgery may become an option.
USA Spine Care offers safer and effective alternatives to traditional open spine surgery through our minimally invasive decompression and stabilization procedures, which are performed on an outpatient basis.^ Our minimally invasive techniques have already helped more than 75,000 people find relief from cervical spondylosis pain and other degenerative spine conditions.
If you have been diagnosed with spondylosis and have been recommended for surgery, contact us today to learn more about our procedures. Ask for your free MRI review* to see if you may be a candidate for our surgeries.